The Louis Berger Group, Inc. (LBG) is providing engineering, design,
construction management and other services to implement
USAID/Afghanistan's Rehabilitation of Economic Facilities and Service
(REFS) Program. The REFS contract was awarded to Berger on September 30,
2002 and will continue (with options) to December 31, 2006. The contract
calls for Berger long-term key personnel based in Kabul to be supported by
various short-term personnel. Under the contract USAID/Afghanistan assigns
infrastructure projects to Berger for design, public contracting and final
acceptance. Berger is working closely with NGOs especially on non-road
infrastructure. The Kabul-Kandadar-Herat Highway is a major REFS focus.
The purpose of the Rehabilitation of Economic Facilities and Service
Program (REFS) is to promote Afghan economic recovery and political
stability by:
- Repairing selected infrastructure needed to lower transportation
- Improving the provision of water and sanitation services
- Increasing access to education, health and local governmental
- Restoring electrical transmission and distribution systems
- Repairing/reconstructing irrigation systems, dams/diversions and
canals critical to the re-activation of the agricultural sector, the
dominant means of livelihood in the country.
To ensure
sustainability of REFS projects an institutional strengthening component
is working with:
- Transportation maintenance organizations
- Water supply, sewerage and solid waste organizations to improve
sanitation in homes
- Public facilities, markets and businesses
- Electric energy organizations.
- REFS is providing employment opportunities to thousands of Afghans
through the design of projects that maximize the use of manual labor to
the extent possible
- Berger mentors Afghan professional staff and nascent Afghan private
sector companies to the greatest extent possible
- All projects will require special attention to gender issues and
accessibility for disabled persons.
USAID/Afghanistan has asked Berger to work on the following:
- Rural roads
- Highway bridges
- Large irrigation systems
- Dams/diversions
- Irrigation canals
- Drilled water wells
- Waste water systems
- Solid waste sites
- Electric transmission/distribution lines
- School buildings
- Medical facilities
- Government buildings
The REFS contract also has a 2006
option from this illustrative list:
- Primary and secondary roads
- Bridges
- Electric transmission distribution systems
- School buildings
- Health facilities
- Government buildings
Berger is an international consulting
group with offices in 70 countries around the world, and over 3,700
employees. Berger celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2003.
Contract 306-C-00-02-00500-00
The Louis Berger Group, Inc.
2300 N Street, NW
DC 20037